韓流(한류 Korean Wave)について


韓流(한류 Korean Wave)について


韓流(かんりゅう、ハンりゅう、英: Korean wave)とは、2000年代以降に東アジアで起こった韓国大衆文化の流行。日本では2003年頃から韓国ドラマ『冬のソナタ』放送がきっかけとなった。テレビドラマに限らず、映画、音楽、アイドル、料理、言語、文学など、様々な方面に流行が見られ影響が及んだ。フジサンケイ ビジネスアイでは、「韓流」ビジネスを韓国が「国を挙げたグローバルな拡販政策を展開してきた」と解説している。朝日新聞では、「韓流ブーム」を「『冬のソナタ』に始まり、主役のペ・ヨンジュンが中高年の女性らを中心に熱狂的なファンを生んだ。音楽のKポップは、女性グループのKARA、少女時代が若者らに支持され、紅白歌合戦にも出場した」と解説している。1997年のアジア通貨危機によって韓国がIMF危機という国家的経済危機に陥ると、韓国は経済再建の戦略を立てたが、その一つが文化産業振興であり、韓国内各地の大学に実用音楽科や映像学科、また専門学校も多数設立され、K-POPや韓国ドラマブームの担い手が育つこととなった。日本のテレビドラマの価格上昇や香港映画の衰退などの追い風も受けて、韓国の俳優や音楽など大衆文化に対する人気が高まってブームが形成された。この現象が台湾で「韓流熱風」と言い表され、その後中国や日本でも使われるようになった。「ハンりゅう」という読みはこの「韓流(ハンリュー)」から生まれた。この言葉は韓国に逆輸入された。なお、韓国では、韓流に対応する日本の大衆文化の流行を指す言葉として日流(イルリュ、일류)がある(華語文化圏では哈日という)。また日本で中華文化圏の大衆文化の流行を指す言葉は華流(ファーリュー)と呼ばれる。(韓流 – Wikipedia

한류 (韓流, 영어: Korean Wave, 스페인어: ola coreana, 말레이어: Gelombang Korea, 터키어: Kore Dalgası, 러시아어: Корейская волна, 독일어: Koreanische Welle, 태국어: กระแสเกาหลี, 타갈로그어: Along Koreano, 베트남어: Làn sóng Hàn Quốc, 우크라이나어: Корейська хвиля)는 대한민국의 대중문화를 포함한 한국과 관련된 것들이 대한민국 이외의 나라에서 인기를 얻는 현상을 뜻한다. ‘한류’라는 단어는 1990년대에 대한민국 문화의 영향력이 타국에서 급성장함에 따라 등장한 신조어이다. 초기 한류는 아시아 지역에서 주로 드라마를 통해 발현되었으며 이후 K-POP으로 분야가 확장되었다. 2010년대에 들어서는 동아시아를 넘어 중동 (북아프리카 포함), 라틴 아메리카 (중남미), 동유럽, 러시아, 중앙아시아 지역으로 넓어졌으며, 최근에는 북아메리카 (북미)와 서유럽 그리고 오세아니아 지역으로 급속히 확산되고 있다. (한류 (문화) – 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

The Korean Wave (Hangul: 한류; Hanja: 韓流; RR: Hallyu; MR: Hallyu, About this sound listen , a neologism literally meaning “flow of Korea”) is the increase in global popularity of South Korean culture since the 1990s. First driven by the spread of K-dramas and K-pop across East, South and Southeast Asia during its initial stages, the Korean Wave evolved from a regional development into a global phenomenon, carried by the Internet and social media and the proliferation of K-pop music videos on YouTube. Since the turn of the 21st century, South Korea has emerged as a major exporter of popular culture and tourism, aspects which have become a significant part of its burgeoning economy. The growing popularity of Korean pop culture in many parts of the world has prompted the South Korean government to support its creative industries through subsidies and funding for start-ups, as a form of soft power and in its aim of becoming one of the world’s leading exporters of culture along with Japanese and British culture, a niche that the United States has dominated for nearly a century. During this time, Korean society began to be recognized as developed on par with the Western world. Part of the success of the Korean Wave owes in part to the development of social networking services and online video sharing platforms, which have allowed the Korean entertainment industry to reach a sizeable overseas audience. Use of these media in facilitating promotion, distribution and consumption of various forms of Korean entertainment (and K-pop in particular) has contributed to their surge in worldwide popularity since the mid-2000s. The Korean Wave has become an influential global phenomenon since the start of the 21st century, heavily impacting the contemporary cultures, music industry, film industry, television industry and behavioural aspects of various people throughout the world. (Korean Wave – Wikipedia


한류 – 나무위키


韓国の魅力を伝えたい(古家 正亨さん、ホミンさん夫妻) ー 美幌音楽人 加藤雅夫

韓流 の検索結果 ー 美幌音楽人 加藤雅夫

한류 の検索結果 ー 美幌音楽人 加藤雅夫

Korean Wave の検索結果 ー 美幌音楽人 加藤雅夫

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    加藤 雅夫 より 2018 年 7 月 19 日 04:46


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