自然をたたえ 生物をいつくしむ (日本の祝日 春分の日)


自然をたたえ 生物をいつくしむ (日本の祝日 春分の日)


春分の日(しゅんぶんのひ)は、日本の国民の祝日の一つであり、祝日法により天文観測による春分が起こる春分日が選定され休日とされる。通例、3月20日から3月21日ごろのいずれか1日。 しばしば昼が長くなって「昼と夜の長さが等しくなる日」といわれるが、実際は昼の方が少し長い。詳細は春分を参照のこと。 国民の祝日 / 「春分の日」は、1948年(昭和23年)に公布・施行された国民の祝日に関する法律によって制定された。同法第2条では「自然をたたえ、生物をいつくしむ。」ことを趣旨としている。 (春分の日 – Wikipedia)

Vernal Equinox Day (春分の日 Shunbun no Hi) is a public holiday in Japan that occurs on the date of the Northward equinox in Japan Standard Time (the vernal equinox can occur on different dates in different time-zones), usually March 20 or 21. The date of the holiday is not officially declared until February of the previous year, due to the need for recent astronomical measurements. Celebrations / Shunbun no Hi is the holiday celebrating the spring (vernal) equinox. It is part of a seven-day period of festival called Haru no Higan. It is one of two points during the year, the other being in the autumn, where the daylight and night hours are of equal length, and is the official change of the seasons. Due to the nature of the holiday revolving around astronomical changes the date of the holiday can change from year to year but it will usually fall anywhere between March 19–22. Back in ancient times, the holiday was originally called Higan no Nakaba, which translates to “Middle of the Equinoctial Week.” The holiday was originally a time to visit loved ones’ grave sites and pay homage to the ancestors. The Japanese would also take the time to renew their lives by cleaning their homes and making life changes such as starting or finishing school or a new hobby. Today Shunbun no Hi is a national holiday and the majority of Japanese will have the day off work to celebrate with their families. Many people will return to their homes they originally come from to spend the day with their families. The day is celebrated to bring in the spring season and to appreciate the nature blooming after a long winter. Some people will still visit their loved ones’ grave sites, sweep the gravestone clear of debris, and often leave offerings of food or fresh cut flowers. The holiday is also special to farmers and agriculturalists as a day to pray for good luck and fortune for the crops they may grow in the upcoming season. (Vernal Equinox Day – Wikipedia)


春分の日 の検索結果 – 美幌音楽人 加藤雅夫

Vernal Equinox Day の検索結果 – 美幌音楽人 加藤雅夫

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