アンサイクロペディア(Uncyclopedia, “the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit,”)とは、ウィキペディアのパロディサイトである。“Uncyclopedia”という名称は否定を意味する接頭語“un-”と百科事典を意味する英語“encyclopedia”を組み合わせたかばん語で、あえて直訳すれば「非百科事典」の意味。略称は「アンサイ」「アンサイクロ」、頭文字をとって「UCP」とも呼ばれている。(アンサイクロペディア – Wikipedia)
Uncyclopedia is a satirical website that parodies Wikipedia. Its logo, a hollow “puzzle potato”, parodies Wikipedia’s globe puzzle logo, and it styles itself “the content-free encyclopedia”, parodying Wikipedia’s slogan of “the free encyclopedia”. Founded in 2005[3] as an English-language wiki, the project spans over 75 languages. The English version has approximately 30,000 pages of content, second only to the Portuguese. Various styles of humor are used as a vehicle for parody, from sophisticated satire to simple sarcasm, along with structured in-jokes and frequent non-sequiturs. The site has attracted media attention for its articles on controversial subjects including religion, prominent people, places, politics, and pseudoscience. Many Uncyclopedia articles contain graphics with a link to the corresponding Wikipedia article. A typical caption reads, “For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about [subject in question].” (Uncyclopedia – Wikipedia)
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