ウクライナ民族楽器バンドゥーラ奏者 Nataliya Gudziy



東北関東大震災と福島原発事故の被災者に: チェルノブイリ原発事故で被曝されたナターシャ・グジー(ウクライナ出身、バンドゥーラ奏者)の歌「いつも何度でも」をご案内します。お聞きください。

写真: ウクライナの歌姫ナターシャ・グジー(バンドゥーラ奏者) ウクライナ民族楽器バンドゥーラ(Bandura、Бандура)

ウクライナ美女が”千と千尋~”主題歌を熱唱 Nataliya Gudziy sings

Song “Always With Me” from movie “Spirited Away”
こちらもSee also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYadrsOdwoc

作詞の覚さん→ http://www.1101.com/dakarakarada/
木村弓が歌う「いつも何度でも」 Original song “Always With Me (Theme Song of Spirited Away)” by Yumi Kimura http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQFl3i0RbBE

Nataliya Gudziy is a Singer & Bandura Player from Ukraine.Now,she stays & sings in Japan.
User “jpfrlinguaphile” give us translation of Nataliya’s talk.Please see also comment of “Saigon256″.Thank you for your great contribution, jpfrlinguaphile & Saigon256!!

Translation: Over 60 years ago on this day, August 6 a tragedy occurred in Hiroshima. Like the tragedy that occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the tragedy which struck in Chernobyl over 20 years ago is still not over. The nuclear power plant at Chernobyl experienced a meltdown 22 years ago.

I was 6 years old at the time. Since my father worked at the plant, all of us family lived a mere 3.5 km from the plant. The accident happened in the middle of the night so most people were unaware that anything serious had occurred. For that reason, life went on as normal the following day. Children went to school and mothers took their young children out to play outside the whole day. As a result, they were exposed all day to invisible radiation.

We werent informed of the accident until the next day. We were told not to worry as it was not a serious accident, but that to be on the safe side, evacuate. No need to take your suitcases, we were told, just evacuate the city for 3 days. So we did as we were told and left the city without packing our bags. Nonetheless, we didnt return in 3 days, a month, or 20 years.

The forests we children had played in every day as well as the houses full of memories were destroyed by the radiation and buried in the dirt. Today nothing remains. What was once a vibrant city is now dead. We didnt just lose our beautiful hometown in that horrific accident, but many people also died. Many of my friends have died. Just kids at the time, many of us have grown up, married, and have kids of our own, some of whose health has been adversely affected.

Mankind has forgotten and is making the same mistakes over again. Dont forget these tragedies. Dont make the same mistakes. With this hope in mind, I will sing this lovely and meaningful song for you. “Itsumo, nando-demo(Always With Me)”

Transcription of the lyrics → http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/sen/song.html

YouTube – waratte1515’s Channel



ウクライナ出身歌手, バンドゥーラ奏者, ナターシャ・グジー(Nataliya Gudziy)プロフィールは公式ホームページをご覧ください。

オフィス ジルカ/ナターシャ・グジー 公式ホームページ!


@ShuntaroT 太陽系第三惑星
ShuntaroT: えー?生きてるよー、一応。そろそろご飯の時間かなあ、今夜は粟餅にしようか、デザートはイチジク?ま書けるのか、ツィートって長すぎるな、詩人にとっては(笑) 俊
谷川俊太郎 (ShuntaroT) on Twitter


加藤 雅夫(Masao Kato)
@bihorokato 北海道美幌町(Bihoro, Hokkaido)
みなさま、イランカラプテ! 日本と世界の人々と共に“平和心”を大切に育てる事が私の願いです。Guitar Mandolin Music 美幌音楽人
加藤 雅夫(bihorokato) on Twitter


1 件のコメント

  1. NHK総合テレビ『海外ネットワーク』 4月30日(土)午後6:10~(放送予定)


    オフィス ジルカ/ナターシャ・グジー 公式ホームページ!

    美幌音楽人 加藤雅夫 より 2011 年 4 月 30 日 17:21


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