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アリス=紗良・オット の検索結果: 1 件
ドイツ・ミュンヘン出身の女性ピアニスト アリス=紗良・オット (姉)
ドイツ・ミュンヘン出身の女性ピアニスト アリス=紗良・オット (姉)
アリス=紗良・オット(アリス=さら・オット、Alice-Sara Ott、1988年8月1日 – )は、ドイツ・ミュンヘン出身の女性ピアニスト。主にドイツ語圏を中心とした地域のピアノコンクールの優勝経験をもつ。オーストリアのザルツブルク・モーツァルテウム大学でカール=ハインツ・ケマリンクに師事。 人物・エピソード / 父親がドイツ人、母親が日本人。日本語、ドイツ語、英語を流暢に話せる。日本語はミュンヘンの日本人学校で身につけた。 2017年5月23日放送の「セブンルール」(関西テレビ)では以下の「ルール」が紹介された。 本番前はルービックキューブ。 ステージの上では裸足。 家でクラシックは聴かない(番組の取材時には自室でサザンオールスターズを聴いていた)。 買い物はインターネットで。ウイスキーはストレート。 待ち時間は極力作らない。 練習するより経験する。 2019年2月15日に自身のホームページとSNSで、多発性硬化症と診断されていたことを公表した。 家族 / ピアニストのモナ=飛鳥・オットは実妹。 (アリス=紗良・オット – Wikipedia)
Alice Sara Ott (born August 1, 1988) is a German classical pianist and the elder sister of Mona Asuka Ott. Early life and education / Ott was born in Munich, Germany, in 1988; her Japanese mother had studied piano in Tokyo and her father was a German civil engineer. She says she realised as a child that “music was the language that goes much beyond any words” and that she wanted to communicate and express herself through music. She started piano lessons when she was four, and reached the final stage of the youth competition in Munich at the age of five, playing to a full house in the Hercules Hall. She won the Jugend musiziert competition in Germany when she was seven years old. In 2002 she was the youngest finalist at the Hamamatsu International Piano Academy Competition in Japan where she won the Most Promising Artist award. From the age of twelve, she studied at the Salzburg Mozarteum with Karl-Heinz Kämmerling while continuing her school education in Munich. Ott has won awards at a number of piano competitions, including first prize at the 2004 Pianello Val Tidone Competition. Her sister Mona Asuka Ott is also a professional pianist. In February 2019, Ott announced on Instagram that she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Career / Ott has made recordings of Franz Liszt’s Transcendental Etudes and Frédéric Chopin’s waltzes for Deutsche Grammophon as well as Wonderland and Nightfall. She performs regularly concert tours in Europe, Japan and the United States. Awards / She won first prize in the 2003 Bach Competition in Köthen, the 2004 Pianello Val Tidone Competition in Italy, and the 4th EPTA (European Piano Teachers Association) International Competition in 2005. (Alice Sara Ott – Wikipedia)
Alice Sara Ott の検索結果 – 美幌音楽人 加藤雅夫
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